The many things people think of you before they even take the time to get to know you are startling. We were given an exercise at work to tell each other exactly what we thought of one another by writing on a paper which was clipped behind everyone’s back and u couldn’t see who wrote what, this was to try and rectify any misconceptions we had about each other in order to help us to work together harmoniously as a team. Like any other normal human being I also had my own conclusions about people and boy.... did they have theirs about me. These were their thoughts about me: •An attention seeker, conceited, arrogant, vain and false modesty. (That’s quite a mouth full for somebody who barely knows me). •Confident, not afraid to speak in front of a crowd, can be intimidating to people at times and bottles things inside. •You have a way to put a smile on my face and you make me look forward to another day our personalities click and i think we going to be even great ...
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