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Showing posts from January, 2014


Once in a while i daydream about love and how much of a better person i'd be if i found the one that was "just right" for me, not perfect but just right! not that there's anything wrong with me now "single" but there's just something about this love thing that brings out the best in people. you see it in their eyes, in the way they laugh, in the way the talk, how beautifully their faces glow even their outlook on life changes to  be a more positive one. its beautiful to watch. I'm not really the type to be jealous of other people's relationships but sometimes i cant help but wish i had my own little precious thing going on, a home for my heart, a song that never grows stale on my ears, my smile on a bad day. my mirror effect, my perfect-fitting pair of stilettos. my thunder on a rainy day, my romantic comedy, my heart, my man, my love and possibly my all. i refuse to settle for just any guy that seems to have a liking to me, because some...


Its exactly 14 days into the NEW YEAR, i get to live another day, now that's a beautiful thing. Wishing every single one of you beautiful people a prosperous new year filled with all great things but most importantly filled with love and everlasting  happiness.